Who Am I?

I’m from a small town in the scenic Dalarna, Sweden, where I grew up on a farm with horses, cats and dogs. Animals and nature have been a big part of my life and I used to work with horses before I studied and got my bachelor degree in Graphic Design from the University of Dalarna. 

I studied at Hyper Island and the Motion Creative program to see if I could take my graphic design background and develop it more and get new skills within motion graphics.

After a few internships in both London and Gothenburg I ended up at Binogi. Which is a e-learning company that produces 3-5 minute short animated videos according to their curriculum. The type of animation varies depending on the subject and what will make the student understand the lesson in the best way, for example text and images or characters.

Besides my love for motion design I like being outside in nature, photography, read books, concerts, film, series, sports and knitting.


After Effects, Illustrator, Indesign, Premiere pro, Photoshop


Binogi AB, Gothenburg, Swe | 22 – 23

Junior Animator
Binogi AB, Gothenburg, Swe | 20 – 22

Freelance Motion designer
Gothenburg, Swe | 19 – 20

Motion Design Intern
Change the Agency, Gothenburg, Swe | 19

Motion Design Intern
Fully Studios, Gothenburg, Swe | 18

Motion Design Intern
JellyKitchen, London, UK | 18


Motion Creative
Hyper Island, Karlskorna, Swe | 2016 – 2018

Bachelor of Graphic Design 
University of Dalarna, Borlänge, Swe | 2011– 2014